Monday, November 24, 2008

Thing #23

My favorite discoveries on this learning journey were photostory, igoogle, flickrtoys, and reaping the benefits of my RSS. Just since my post last night, I have shared my photostory with 5 people and encouraged them to download it and make one of their own. Since I have discovered igoogle, I have shared with everyone who spends time on the computer to check it out for it's benefits, including the Reader. I have also shared the variety of items I made with flickrtoys with many as well. I have received updates on my RSS and discovered new blogs to add that have great updates as well on what is going on in the library and technology world.

This program has assisted and affected my lifelong learning goals in a variety of ways. Without my RSS, I would not have been keeping up with new information in the library world, so I would continue to find out about new innovations and programs after they have been out for a while. I want to be able to assist teachers, students, friends and family with technology that will make their life easier and/or meet their interests and needs. I now have a 'new tool box' to start with to be able to be a 'helper' in this way.

I guess the unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised me would be how much I learned! I am still learning new things about the different tools each day by using them, but I know enough to actually be able to utilize them and help others to learn about them and use them also.

One thing I would say to do differently to improve upon this program’s format is to actually have checkpoints throughout the program with due dates. I realize it was set up in weeks, but within our class it was not required to follow this. It should have been followed. Check points throughout the course would get some of the items (like RSS) set up early enough in the program to realize the benefit of it before you are done with the 23 things.

I would love to participate in another discovery program like this in the future.

My learning experience in ONE SENTENCE is that by investigating these 'new tools', I see how easy the designers are making it for anyone to use technology with ease.

lolcats - Caption a Kitten -

1 comment:

VWB said...

Congratulations on dancing to the end of your 23 things adventure.
The weekly breakdown was included for those folks who need deadlines to help them reach the end. In doing professional development on one's own timeline, it really is the choice of the user to decide how to divide up the work.
Yes, saving most of the activities to do in one or two days does affect the outcome and the learning curve, but participants' personal schedules often dictate how they have to go thru the steps.
Not really a wrong or right way..except that under different circustances, comments would have played a bigger part probably!
Hope you will continue to share your learning thru your blog.