Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thing #12

I think that one of the important things about successful commenting is to be sincere and make it meaningful. I have been reading more and more blogs since I set up my "reader" account in igoogle. I have been a little overwhelmed with information and have not commented yet, because even though I would be sincere, I feel more like it would just be a comment like 'thanks for the info." Maybe that's ok sometimes too, but it seems like it should have more for someone to take the time to read it. I think a second important thing in commenting is to check back on the blog after you've made comments. If you cared enough to comment in the first place, make sure that you continue to participate in any discussion that is going on.
I have only made a couple of comments so far on our learn2play blogs, but will be checking back to do that some more. I have done some searching on google blog and found some interesting things, but have not made any comments yet. I searched 'library children's' and found several blogs. One was from the children's library section of a public library and it had a post from August about a library program that they had on scratch-which is a program that you can use to make video games. I can't wait to check this out, because my 8 year old has been asking me if he can go to a class to learn to make his own video games.

I will have to continue this #12 later when I have made some comments to some blogs!

1 comment:

Vierling said...

Lisa- I agree with your comments about commenting! :) Many times when I read a blog, I don't feel like you have much to add other than, "thanks for sharing" or something like that. I guess that's why the statistic states that you only get one comment for every one hundred readers! I do think it's important for comments to provide some sort of opinion or substance. And it is a good idea to check back up on the blog and participate in the conversation, especially if it's something that interests you.