Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thing #18 update

While reading my RSS this morning there was a great blog from Cool Cat Teacher responding to another blog about the use of Google Docs and what happens if Google stops the program as they did earlier this week for Google Lively(everything would be lost?). For schools to use it still makes sense though. Cool Cat Teacher reminds us that IT departments delete everything in the summers (or can if they don't). Google Docs has a lot more space. If at some point Google does pull Google Docs from their tools, they would give notice and anything that you truly wanted to save you could at that time.
I still like the idea of using Google Docs in the schools!

1 comment:

Raible said...

I love the googledocs too! I will be using them from now when working at school, work, and personal life. I like knowing that I can access my information from anywhere!