Sunday, September 7, 2008

Thing #5

I have explored Flickr and even uploaded some photos. I played around with the tags, notes, and comments and put one of each on the pictures I uploaded. I sent an email to myself to share the photos. I will definitely be using this to share photos with my family. No one lives close by--and I really think they will enjoy browsing the photos I upload, (especially Nana and Papa). I did not do any editing, but I'm sure it will be similar to the editing program I use already! To view the photos I uploaded, you can click on the following link lknm4.
Here is the photo I saved from the site

under the Creative Commons section:

It is titled Cerise by Eisenheim.
I initially did my search wrong and was not in the Creative Commons pictures, but in all the pictures. I had clicked on Creative Commons, but then did my search in the upper right window ( which the directions said not to use). I later saw the error of my ways. I clicked on one of the Creative Commons sections, which then brought me to a section to do a search within that license. I did my search under music and music teacher. I did download a couple of music pictures, but I preferred this one that I found of this cute dog!

Thing #4

I just sent the email to register my blog. I hope I included all the right stuff! I am still a little confused as to the name I am known as in my blog. I think I put my real name there. I might like to change that if I can. I will check with Dr. Bishop at our Tuesday class. I am really starting to have fun with this. Wow! Just like in the 7 1/2 habits to lifelong learning---play!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Thing #3

I can't believe it! I actually got my Avatar onto my blog. I had a little trouble at first. I kept trying to paste it into the HTML. Then on the Layout, I clicked on "Add a Gadget" and scrolled down to the HTML/java script. Then I titled it Avatar and pasted the HTML from the avatar into the box. Voila! It worked!

Making the Avatar was so much fun. My 5 year old wants to make one--so we'll be doing this again tomorrow with him!

Thing #2

The hardest habit for me in the 7 & 1/2 habits is probably #3: to view problems as challenges. I think this can cloud the ending goal and in turn I become one of the problems to reaching my goal. This may also be linked with #4--being confindent in my competency. If I don't change my thinking and treat all obstacles as challenges, it will lead to me not succeeding.
In many ways my life has been a challenge since my mother passed away when I was 11 years old. I have overcome many obstacles in my life. Maybe as I am getting older, I am becoming more particular with which problems are worth the challenge to overcome.

One thing I really like about the 7 & 1/2 habits is the plan for reaching the goal! I am excited about this. If I consider and anticipate possible problems along the path to my goal, and in turn make plans for fixing them (should they occur), I will be able to be more confident in my success in lifelong learning!

Thing #2

The easiest habit in the 7 & 1/2 for me is #7 teaching and mentoring. I have that caretaker personality, but while I'm "taking care" of others, I want to help them learn so they will be more independent.
One example is coaching my 5 year old's soccer team. As coaches we also co-referee our own games. Every year while I'm refereeing, I not only coach my team during the game but the other team as well. Coaching kids so young, most of the coaches are parents who have no experience in playing soccer. Even though I only played soccer 1 season in 7th grade, I have learned a lot in coaching my other son the last 4 years. I especially learned a great deal the year we had a senior on the high school soccer team help with the coaching. I love the looks on the opposing team's parent faces when I'm helping their team to score a goal!